So it's been a while


So, about that commitment to writing weekly...that went a bit out the door, didn't it?

Where to begin?

So the past month went by WAY faster than intended. Partially because I was hellbent on on finishing the Temporal branch I had been working on so that it could be relatively mergeable. Once I saw the diff and was able to take more of a 10,000 foot view, the bumps became pretty clear. As a result, there was more polishing (not to mention the feedback related changes). so I was pretty focused.

I was also able to spend a little more time fixing Foggy Forest and putting together another Autumn theme. I may actually publish them. I've been using Foggy Forest pretty routinely, and I honestly really like it. Maybe some other people out there might enjoy it just as much.

No further progress on the Debugger, but there's some ideas I have brewing (halloween pun not intended). I may put the project on the backburner for now though at least until there's a little bit more feedback on the PR.

Looking forward

I've actually come across a couple things over the course of my blogging absence that I actually think I want to write about a bit more, so hopefully there will be more technical posts up soon.

But this next month is also starting to look pretty busy.

First and foremost, the initial Temporal work is relatively close to merging. Once merged, I want to pick up the pace of work in smaller, more approachable chunks with my personal goal right now being one PR a week. So that will probably be a mad dash to build out the other parts.

Aside from working on Temporal, Svelte 5 genuinely looks good, and I really want to try to build something.

This site has been switched to Foggy Forest, but I'd really like to provide a toggle that will allow any visitors to theme the site as they like.

I've also really been feeling like diving into some Assembly and Zig if I get the time.

My hope is to get to as many of these as possible.

But that will remain to be seen.

Until next time! :D